Monday 16 August 2010

Saturday 14 August 2010

What can happen when you follow a SATNAV

There I was, minding my own business, following the SATNAV to Siguenza when we encountered upon some roads that where not yet made.  I am used to the SATNAV not knowing about new roads and taking one along old routes but this is the first time that I have ended up on a roundabout still under construction.  Worse still, Paula & Nigel were following us in our Polo!

Siguenza with Paula & Nigel, Lauren & Hayley

Paula and Nigel, Lauren and Hayley came to visit for 10 days in August. We visited Siguenza, 120km northeast of Madrid. Many of its buildings are medieval but signs of bullet holes from the Civil War opened up another fascinating era of history. We walked up to the castle which is now a parador hotel. It was also the weekend of the Festival of San Roque so there was a funfair and lots of bullfighting posters everywhere.

Thursday 12 August 2010

The Collingwoods visit, El Parque Retiro

Charlotte & Annie, Lauren & Hayley, Niall & Niamh in the Parque Retiro, Madrid 14 Aug 2010.  The smiles came after the photo when we visited the Ice Cream shop.  Where were the ladies?  The Art Galleries.  Where were the Dads? Taking the photo and buying the Ice Cream!